Friday, December 5, 2008

Oman's Landscape

Oman is a fairly mountainous country, and this makes it beautiful and interesting. The scenery throughout Oman is amazing and it is a pleasure to gaze upon.

The picture to the left is of a natural Wadi that has formed itself in the mountainous area of Oman. Wadi's are very commonly found all over Oman and are used by people and tourists to bathe and relax in the hot climate.

Oman's natural and cultural landscapes are famous for their astonishing beauty, dramatic high peaks and canyons, ancient oasis settlements with their traditional forts and houses, dense monsoon forests, barren gravel wildernesses, sand seas furrowed by high dunes, to coastal cliffs and fiords. To geologists they tell the story of millions of years of Oman's history because, unlike temperate countries where rock formations are mostly covered by soil and vegetation, the geography of Oman is visible for all to see.

In today's crowded industrial world, wildernesses have a special appeal to the international tourist, many of whom wish to go to places where they will not be among crowds of other tourists: This makes Oman an ideal place to visit or spend a holiday as not many people know about it or where it is situated. Oman is able to offer this experience as well as the more conventional types of holiday.The landscape is the foundation of responsible tourism, a sustainable way to support the economy of rural areas, through employment. It contains all Oman's terrestrial species, so care of the landscape helps to protect what is in it. Aside from tourism, a beautiful landscape sustains the quality of life for all those who live and work within it, encouraging their sense of ownership and pride.


Robyn said...

OMG!!!!!! Eoghan your blog is just super well done ttyl

Eoghan said...

why thank you robyn! i loved your blog by the way. absoultuely fabulous! *applauds* well done =P x